Eastern Sierras 2021

OK, where did the last nine months go? Paul, Al and I got together for our annual Eastern Sierras camping trip at the end of September; here it is June and I’m finally posting about it. I say annual except we had missed the last two years; schedules didn’t work out in 2019 and Covid took care of 2020.

It takes Paul and Al 6 to 7 hours to get to the Big Bend Campground. For me, it’s a two day journey, so I stopped about half way. Lori found a dispersed campsite and sent me the coordinates, which I entered into Maps and followed the directions without much thought or knowledge of where I was headed. I arrived in the early evening without much time before it got dark, so no exploring. The two best sites, at the top of a hill, were occupied so I settled into a spot down the hill. I had no clue I was less than ten minutes from Crater Lake.

I got an early start the next day, arriving at Big Bend late in the afternoon. Paul and Al got there about an hour later. We barely had time to set up camp and eat before darkness set in. Due to drought conditions, campfires weren’t allowed so we cleaned up after dinner and called it an early night.

The next day was spent along Lee Vining Creek, the stream that runs along the campground. Al and Paul fishing, me shooting pictures.

Lee Vining Creek

The following day we went to the Virginia Lakes, an area between Lee Vining and Bridgeport that we had visited several years ago. There are six lakes in the Virginia lakes group, you pass three of them on the trail up the mountain; Big Valley Lake, Blue Lake and Cooney Lake. That’s Blue Lake in the pictures below.

Above the Virginia Lakes are the Frog Lakes (did not see one frog at any of them, then again, no sign of Virginia around the Virginia Lakes either). We continued our hike up the mountain in search of the Frog Lakes. It didn’t take long before we came upon them. The three Frog Lakes are small lakes which may have names but I don’t know them. The lakes are connected by small creeks, one is pictured at the top of this post. That’s Paul in the distance, fishing at one of the Frog Lakes in the picture below.

Our last day was spent around Lee Vining Creek again. This time we had company, that squirrel hung around the whole time we stayed at this one spot. I think he was hoping to get one of our energy bars. That’s Al in contemplation, soaking up the sun and getting in some last minute fishing.

And before we knew it, it was time to head home; breakfast, breaking down camp and saying goodbye until next year to the Eastern Sierras and two good friends. Then the two day drive home with a stop at Crater Lake along the way, but that’s to be left for another post.

Previous Eastern Sierras Posts: jmacdphoto.com/bodie-california-a-ghost-town/ jmacdphoto.com/wildlife-photography-the-bear/

To see more of my photos visit https://jmacdphoto.com/.

#Photography #LandscapePhotography #Sierras #EasternSierras #LeeViningCreek #VirginiaLakes #FrogLakes

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